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One Year Corn

Any Journey Start With The First Step. Mine is a year of corn. Young And Subsequently Dangerous

I'm impress


Maybe this is n00b for the others, but for me it is quite impressive because I spend a little but i earn more than i spend. You know what I'm talking about. I'm talking about adwords and adsense. The tools to promote while earning passively.

When i check my gmail just now, I noticed my ads is shown beside my mail. There is the spot when someone check their emails and get stuck. The ads is making their sense to-get-out-of-it (stuck). Even I know Adsense first, I learn a lot to increasing traffic from one to two user. With this Adwords I gain them to 20 unique visitor.

Thats was the mesmerize when you know how it flows.

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posted by Unknown, 03:37


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