Up to now, we’ve been assuming that you are using your blog to get one of your web
sites spidered. Another way to use the blog and ping method is to try to get your blog
spidered in its own right!
Why are blogs better than the traditional website? You have the ability to communicate
one-on-one with customers in a casual way, and you can respond to timely events and
maintain that community interaction on a weekly, or even daily basis.
1. Each blog entry is shown in chronological order on a blog’s homepage but, each
entry is in reality its own web page, with its own unique URL and title. So, an
active blogger can create hundreds of keyword rich web pages in a matter of
2. The typical small business web site is lucky to receive an update several times a
year. Search engines like change. So, if you change your blog several times a
week, you will constantly be updated in the search engines.
3. Links from other high quality blogs will send traffic and get your blog and web site
Regardless of the type of business or the goals of the site, it's clear that with little
investment small business blogging brings big returns. It's a great tool for any business.
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