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Labels: ClickBank
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Nowadays there is rumors says that banner advertising is dead. If it is dead where is the grave? Why there is more and more advertising company have been founded. There are a lot of facts that banner advertising won't work well, such as :
1) A lot of words would cramp it.
2) Color blending is not suitable
3) Eye got cramp when seeing your heavy loaded banner
Here i'll gives u a few tips to help design a promising click banner. Free your mind, take a deep breath. What I'm going to tell you possibly gonna get you shock of it. So, I hope you are ready for the tips.
1) Use a money-gen-holic words, like "free", "power", "great deal", "superb", "millionaire", "secret" and many more.
2) Use the questionable phrase without question mark. This will challenge your mind a lil bit.
3) Please use at least one word but not more than seven words, otherwise you're annoying your potential customer's eye.
4) Straight meaning, like gives an order to customer to click your banner. Sometimes words doesn't help. Thats why there is "kata pujangga", they said "One picture describe a thousand words"
5) Put some motion in it. This is like an option to do so.
6) Please make the banner as small as your can. Customer don't spend their time to wait for your site to be loaded. So, the smaller size of your website will load it as fast as flash-light.
Lack of click some times, is not the advertiser fault or banner designer fault all the time. It is a heavy burden that you should share. REMEMBER to place the banner suitable with the colum that suit it.
here is the example :
Labels: banner, designer, money_gen_holic
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One of the primary reason people learn to employ leverage is to realize the level of wealth in their active lifetime which will afford them the financial freedom to explore all that life has to offer, without the burden of financial constraints.
If this is your goal, or if realizing powerful financial result in your life is important to you. It is important to understand various fundamentals about wealth.
Over the years, the studied of a tremendous amount of materials on success and wealth, has spoken with many highly successful individuals in a wide variety of disciplines is important factor to wealth.
Labels: leverage, wealth
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could anyone tell me why my O2 when its turns on it will be formatted like first time use? any idea what is going on with my phone? My brain likes to pop-out when i start thinking about it.
Labels: o2, xda
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